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Cheyenne "Amen" Dunbar
Cheyenne and Shell dancing.jpg
Class Description:

Call & Response

“Call & Response” is about Listening & Responding. Finding & ways to call or ask for what we need or want in the relationship or dance, & leaving space in our movement to receive that information & responding how we see fit or how we can or willing.. Call & response in the basis of communication in general.. This class is an exploration of non verbal communication. So there will be exercises on finding ways to be grounded & tuned in, listen with our bodies, experiencing each other movement vocabulary, finding a dialogue. Aiming to strengthen the connection of the dance..



Cheyenne is an experienced CI dancer with an extensive background in music, martial arts, & dance. He was introduced to Contact improv in 2013, & has been a CI practitioner ever since. Cheyenne is a grounded, strong, and engaging dancer. He is a life time athlete who has a load of functional movement & combat sport experience (Dance, Fencing, Taiji, Bagua, Wrestling, Capoeira, Muay Thai) that he incorporates seamlessly into his CI relations/dance. Cheyenne Coaches Boxing, & Muay Thai at Rise Athletics LA (a Boxing focused MMA gym) during the week, he is a proud student of Capoeira legend & trailblazer, Mestre Themba Mashama, (founder & head of “Kapoeira N’gola Preto Velho”), & teaches Capoeira de N’gola on Weekends at his home in South Pasadena CA. Cheyenne is also the host & founder of Soul Connection (an Afrocentric focused partner social dance) in Los Angeles, does sound baths using his unique & broad vocal range, is an accomplished music, & connects spiritual & somatic concepts to all his practices….

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