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Ariadna Franco Martinez
Class Description: "Some Ways of Giving Support"


What does it mean to witness the other with the eyes, with presence? How is dance potentiated when there is a witness giving support? In what way can the presence and look of the other be a creative base? These are questions that are currently circulating in my practice and which through improvisation scores in solos, duets, trios and as a group I have been able to investigate. The idea would be to offer exercises on how to look at the dance of the other, changing perspectives, playing with space, investigating the supports offered by the eyes of the other to the creation of the movers. Exploring the concepts of looking, observing, witnessing and contemplating in Contact Improvisation.



Ariadna Franco Martinez was born in Mexico in 1984. She began her training as a dancer in 1999 and since then she has studied different body techniques of modern, contemporary, post-modern, somatic, improvisation and dance therapy in Mexico, Canada, Spain, Germany, Peru, Argentina and Austria. She is a graduate of CICO-INBA; dance therapist and psycho-body therapist by Casa del Movimiento; Educator in Somatic Movement by the Body Mind Movement and trained in Somatic Development Psychotherapy by Miguel Islas.


She has performed choreographies and performances for twelve years, receiving various grants and awards over this period. Recent examples include: In 2015 with Soma, Anatomía En Movimiento she debuted the piece "Torrente" that was selected as semifinalist of the prize for the Creacioìn Esceìnica Contemporaìnea organized by Un Teatro, Alternativa esceìnica. In 2016 she participated as a teacher and performer in the second Latin American Meeting of Researchers on the body and corporalities in cultures, organized by the Red de Antropologiìa de y desde los cuerpos y la Red Colombiana de Investigadores/as sobre “El Cuerpo”. In 2017 she premiered the play "Ha" at the Temporal festival in Uberlandia, Brazil and toured across various provinces of the country. In 2018 the work "Ha" was presented in the University Museum of Chopo and in the Dance Hall of the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico).


Ariadna has performed scenic projects with Poliglotas del Cuerpo (Mexico), Moti Mark Zemelman (EU), 0.618 danza butoh (Mexico), Proyecto Xquenda (Mexico), Jesus Rubio Gamo (Spain), colectivo Mutok (Mexico), Ayara Hernández (Berlin), Magadalena Martínez Franco and Antonio Arango (Mexico).


She has taught dance, contact improvization and somatic movement workshops in cities across Mexico and has participated as a teacher in Congresses in Mexico, Colombia and Brazil. She currently co-directs and teaches in several educational and community projects: Soma: Anatomía en movimiento, México Contact Improvisation and Casa del Movimiento. She is co-founder of EPIICO (experimentación-práctica-investigación en improvisación de contacto) and has been teaching Contact, leading laboratories and holding jams weekly in Mexico City for six years.

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